Sara Chase
6 min read
Waning in Worship
The feeling is starting to creep back in. The swirling in my gut. The long stares at my headboard. My feet moving slower. A gnawing sense...
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Justin Scoggins, Th.D.
7 min read
Time stood still
Time stood still. I don’t know if you’ve ever experienced that or not. But you seem to be stationary while everything around you is...
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Kaylea Adams
6 min read
You are mine
I grew up in a Pentecostal church. I have believed in God all my life. But I was raised to fear God. Not in a respectful fear kind of...
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Justin Scoggins, Th.D.
4 min read
Anxiety is weird. In full disclosure, I’m fairly new on this journey. While I have probably had anxiety my whole life…I self-medicated...
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