Justin Scoggins, Th.D.
7 min read
Wanderers at Dawn
I have been getting up at 5:45 in the morning to exercise. Not for any other reason than the sheer guilt that I feel in the afternoons...
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Justin Scoggins, Th.D.
7 min read
Choosing Relationship Over Law | Alistair Begg and pastoring LGBTQIA+
Recently, Alistair Begg advised a grandmother that he didn’t believe that she would be sinning if she were to attend a same-sex marriage...
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Justin Scoggins, Th.D.
6 min read
Tales From the Night
Being a parent has changed a lot of things in mine and my wife’s life. Being a parent has taught us a lot about ourselves. Most of this...
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Justin Scoggins, Th.D.
7 min read
What a Doctor does...
Well, I’m officially a doctor now. Dr. Scoggins still sounds odd (I don’t know if I like it, really). And I don’t know exactly what do to...
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Sara Chase
6 min read
Waning in Worship
The feeling is starting to creep back in. The swirling in my gut. The long stares at my headboard. My feet moving slower. A gnawing sense...
268 views0 comments

Justin Scoggins, Th.D.
10 min read
Are we Sisyphus?
There is a story that has stuck with me for years. I was required to read the Odyssey by Homer my junior year of high school, there was a...
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